
math operators


add, multiply, divide, subtract

You will get a result from the operation


Decrease or increase the value by replacing the original value of the variable.

placing the operator before the variable placing the operator after the variable,

        int someValue = 5;
        // should print out 6 and change the value stored in someValue
        // also prints out 6 because the variable was updated
        int someOtherValue = 5;
        // this increments the number, but the printout will show
        // 5 because its a postfix operation
        // this will print out the resulting value of 6

compound assignment

Operate on a value and the replace the original value with the results of the operation.

        int myOtherValue = 100;
        int val1 = 5;
        int val2 = 10;
        myOtherValue /= val1 * val2;

floating points and remainders

operationoperatorfloating point equationresultinteger equationresult
add+1.0 + 2.03.01 + 23
subtract-5.0 - 4.01.05 - 41
multiply*4.0 * 2.08.04 * 28
divide/13.0 / 5.02.613 / 52
modulus%13.0 % 5.03.013 % 53

operator precedence

Here is the order of operators sorted by precedence

  1. postfix
  2. prefix
  3. multiplitive
  4. additive

You can override precedence with () or nested () to evaluate from inside out.

        int valA = 21;
        int valB = 6;
        int valC = 3;
        int valD = 1;

        int result1 = valA - valB / valC;
        int result2 = (valA - valB) / valC;

        System.out.println(result1); // 19
        System.out.println(result2); // 5

        int result3 = valA / valC * valD + valB;
        int result4 = valA / (valC * (valD + valB));

        System.out.println(result3); // 13
        System.out.println(result4); // 1

type conversions

Implicit type conversions
conversion automatically performed by the compiler
Explicit type conversion
conversion performed explicitily in code with cast operator
        // implicit
        int intValueOne = 50;
        long longValueOne = intValueOne;

        // explicit with cast operator
        long longValueTwo = 50;
        int intValueTwo = (int) longValueTwo;


Can widen the variable type, but will not narrow it.

mixed interger sizes
uses largest integer in equation
mixed floating point sizes
uses double
mixed integer and floating point
uses larged floating point in equastion


Can widen and narrow the conversion, but must be aware of potential side-effects. If you go from a wider type to a narrow type, the compiler will throw away anything that is left over.

Casting a floating point to an integer, any fractional portion is discarded.

Integer to a floating point, precision may be lost. Here is an example below:

        int longValueTwo = 2034793482;
        float intValueTwo = (float) longValueTwo;
        System.out.println(intValueTwo); // 2.03479347E9