Kitchen Sink
kitchen sink
Trying to show as much as I can with the useful features of Plantuml for a referance purpose with a visual aide.
!pragma teoz true
== These are called ==
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
== Dividers and use the == ==
Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
{start} Alice -> Bob : need to use "pragma teoz true"
Bob -> Max : to make this
Max -> Bob : work
{end} Bob -> Alice : at top of doc
{start} <-> {end} : time passes
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
... ...Time passes with... ...
Bob --> Alice: Good Bye !
box "Use box" #LightBlue
participant Bob
participant Alice
end box
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
alt successful case
Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted
else some kind of failure
Bob -> Alice: Authentication Failure
group My own label
Alice -> Max : Max attack start
loop 1000 times
Alice -> Bob: DNS Attack
Alice -> Max : Max attack end
else Another type of failure
Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
Max -> Bob: DoWork
activate Max
Max -> Bob: << createRequest >>
activate Bob
Bob -> Alice: DoWork
activate Alice
Bob --> Alice: WorkDone
deactivate Alice
destroy Alice
Bob --> Max: RequestCreated
deactivate Bob
Bob -> Max: Done
deactivate Max
Max -> Bob : conReq
hnote over Max : idle
Max <- Bob : conConf
rnote over Bob
"r" as rectangle
"h" as hexagon
Bob -> Alice : ok
note left
This is **bold**
This is //italics//
This is ""monospaced""
This is --stroked--
This is __underlined__
This is ~~waved~~
end note
autoactivate on
Max -> Bob : autoactivate can
Bob -> Bob : be turned on
Alice -> Bob #005500 : with the
Bob -> George ** : autoactivate on
return at the start of
return your connections
Bob -> George !! : delete
return success
autoactivate off
== add participants ==
create New
Max -> New: create
New -> Max: return