OP-1 Experiments

favorite things to do

So far I have done some simple works on the OP-1. I have found the flow sometimes confusing, but the more I play the more I really get into just making music. One thing I really like to do with the OP-1 is to generate samples from the various engines. Other times, I like to take samples of various sounds with a recorder I purchased.


nineboots · op1


Here is the list of hardware I tend to bounce back and forth between. The H4N Recorder was a little pricy for me, but it has its strengths for recording tons of things. Most of the time I used it to record samples and then bring them over to the OP1 or use it as a disk to save backups of my songs while I am out on the field and away from my desk or computer.

  1. OP-1
  2. Apple iPad Pro
  3. USB C to 3.5mm jack
  4. H4n 4-Track Portable Recorder



Came across this program for the macOS to run some simple audio tasks. Nothing fancy but its good price and set of features for free:


Aaron Addleman
Aaron Addleman
Principal Automation Engineer

Fun with programming and infrastructure