

Functions, g GGoto the functions defintion in a new window
Functions, g gGoto the functions defintion in the same window
Functionsg DGoto the functions defintion in a new window


JumpingSPC j jInput text pattern, highlight text with shortcuts, type the shortcut letters to go there
SearchSPC /Search all files in a project (excluding the .gitignore entries)


VisualVVisual line mode
VisualvVisual char mode


FindSPC f fFind a file
FindSPC p fFind a file in a project


BufferSPC b bList buffers to select
BufferSPC b nNext buffer
BufferSPC b pPrevious buffer


Texttoggle-truncate-linesToggle truncate of long lines
Texttoggle-word-wrapToggle wrapping line on word or character

======= title: “CheatSheet” linktitle: “CheatSheet” summary: “Quick facts about how to do tasks in Spacemacs” date: 2021-11-17T09:15:34-07:00 draft: false # Is this a draft? true/false type: book # Do not modify.



When you have a code block in a org-mode file, that looks like the one below, you can use C-c ' to edit the contents of the code block in a separate buffer. This makings for alignment and language rules much easier to handle.

To get back to the previous buffer area, there are two possible commands that you could use which are based on where you came from. If you are in org-mode file, use the instructions at the top of the buffer.

If you are in a markdown (or other file that supports embedded syntax language), then use C-c '

Frames and Windows

The thing about frames is that its not what we are all used to calling things. Usually we think of a window as a box of stuff and we have multiple windows. Yes that is also true in Emacs, but then what is a Frame?

Well, a Frame is a thing that holds the windows. Wait, what do you mean? I thought that the OS is the thing that is the Frame that is holding the windows. Yes that is true about almost every ever app out there, but in Emacs, a Frame is the “actual” window for the OS that you are using to run Emacs, but Emacs calls it a Frame. Inside the Frame are multiple Windows of buffers.

Why is this all important? Because you can flip between Windows and Frames super fast and it can also be organized and layouts saved to files between restarts.


Managing windows is quite fun and most of the time I only use these commands:

  1. Selecting window by #
  2. Vertical split
  3. Horizontal split
  4. Resize
  5. Layouts

If I want more options, I usually default to the “windows transient” mode where I have access and cheat sheets to more commands.

Selecting windows

This is by far the most popular command I use by invoking SPC # where the # is a single number ranging from 0 to 9.


Sometimes a window is too small for reading or its dimensions are just too small for the output you have just produced. You want to see the entire thing, but you dont want this view to be permanent.

Use SPC w m to maximize the window and now you can see more of the content. After you are done, you just run SPC w m to restore the window to its previous size.

Windows Transient

This mode is fantastic. Using SPC w . brings up a large list of commands that are available at your finger tips and broken up to categories. These are: select, move, split resize, other. Most of the time I use this mode for resizing a window by using { and }.


These are great for splitting up projects and focus to another OS window (not to be confused with Windows in Emacs). The really great thing about this is that you can target the windows in other frames with using the SPC # command. This is super helpful when having the Frames in full screen mode.

To make a new frame use SPC F n.


A buffer is a file or space that is stored in memory which represents something you can interact with in Emacs. You will have many buffers open over the course of using Emacs or Spacemacs.
