Doom, the editor that I love
Wow this just works so well. SPC TAB
is the root menu for this great feature. From there you have a tons of options but really I have only used the following:
SPC TAB BackTick
- Flips between last workspaceSPC TAB TAB
- Shows the workspace bar for quick selection by numberSPC TAB .
- Switches to workspace by typing a name or letters matching the name
Python and testing
I have found that you need the following combination of settings to make sure that this all works:
Open your .doom.d/init.el
file and add this:
(doom! )
Preparing a python version
First, select the version you want to use and get it installed:
pyenv install 3.9.14
Then you need to install the following packages to on a global scale to get it prepared:
pyenv global 3.9.14
pip install python-lsp-server
pip install flake8
pip install poetry
pip install pylint
Making a Python project
mkdir project_name
pyenv local 3.9.14
poetry init
# answer questions
# and then start coding!
# make sure to add pytest of at least version 1.2.0
Running things with poetry
Basic running of your code inside poetry is done with:
poetry shell
poetry run the_command --with-args
Add a project in Doom
SPC p a
then find the folder you want to add. Best that it be a git directory!
Closing a project
Reasons for closing a project are to re-evaluate the settings picked up by major or minor modes:
SPC p k
This will kill all the buffers under the project and hope you have everything saved.
Mass file changes
Below are the key commands in order to make mass edits across multiple files along with a description of what the key command is trying to do. Follow them in order and you can do a massive search and replace of text.
SPC s p
Search across the project for the text pattern to be modifiedC-;
This implements a “right click” menu where you want to get options based on the search you are runningE
Invokes the embark option to export the search for modificationC-c C-p
This makes the buffer be able to be updated- Now you can make your edits all you want. I like to sometimes use
or other times, I just made edits where I see the need to do so. Z Z
Save all the changes to every file updated.